“The powers that be are ordained of God.” Thus are the words of the apostle Paul in Romans 13:1. The apostle wrote his epistle to the Romans around ad 58, ten years before his execution under the hand of the Emperor Nero (reign, ad 54–68). Within this epistle Paul unfolds principles concerning Christians living under world governments on earth. In chapter 13 he designated government as a “higher power.” He also declared the divine appointment of governments to bring law and order to people and nations.
Since the fall of man, the concept of government has been imperatively needed, whether in families, cities, nations, kingdoms, or empires. Romans 13 also reveals that civil government is for both the purpose of restraining evil and the promotion of natural righteousness for the benefit of the people. With this intent and purpose, God requires that men obey those that have the rule over them (Rom. 13:1–7; 1 Pet. 2:14). When there is no presence of government, anarchy is inevitable because of the sin and selfishness of fallen man.
God’s Law Versus Man’s Law
The true role of government is to maintain peace and order in this wicked world, to punish evil, and to reward righteousness. While God desires His people to obey civil government, there is a limit concerning how far the government can declare laws and control its people. When the government through its powers requires disobedience to God and His Law, then another principle steps forward as found in Acts 4:19, 20:
But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.
Additionally in the next chapter Luke records, “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).
When a Persian law was passed against prayer being made to God (or any god) by anyone in the Medo-Persian Empire, we read of the highest president in Babylon, Daniel himself, responding:
Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime (Dan. 6:10).
God does not require obedience to man’s laws if the Christian is forced to disobey the Scriptures, the law of God.
Spiritual Powers Influencing Human Governments
Rising above the governmental powers of any age have been the continual influences of the spirit world. History at times examples governmental powers promoting the good of the people. Yet at other times the governmental powers are evil, corrupt, and filled with godless leadership, which terrorize God’s people and their desire to live righteously. Whatever a government is in its character, the authority for ruling is ordained by God. Does God and His providence influence governments and their leaders through history? Yea, does the Devil and his demonic forces influence the same in history? The answer to both questions is an unequivocal yes. The Bible is replete with examples of kings and governmental leaders who were profoundly influenced by the powers of the spirit world.
Amidst the many narratives found in Scripture, one of the classic and insightful examples is found in the true story of Cyrus and his proclamation of the Jews’ return to Jerusalem. God had prophesied through Jeremiah (Jer. 25 and 29) that the Jews would be captives in Babylon for seventy years. Nearing the end of the seventy-year captivity, Daniel (Dan. 10) was praying concerning this promised return. There was a twenty-one-day delay in the answer to his prayer. It was revealed that the prince of Persia (Satan), in battle with holy angels, was endeavoring to thwart Gabriel from bringing the answer to Daniel’s prayer for the return to Jerusalem. Gabriel fought with Satan in the air; God then sent Michael to take up the battle. As Satan tried to keep Cyrus from giving the command for the Jews’ return to Jerusalem, Michael came to influence Cyrus to do so. The outcome of this struggle is recorded by Ezra:
The Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying, Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, the Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah (Ezra 1:1, 2).
There were other times when it was evident that leaders were being led by the powers of evil through the direct influence of the Devil and his angels. This principle becomes clear in Luke 4 when we read of the wilderness temptation by Satan to Christ. In one of the three temptations, the Devil took Christ to an exceeding high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and stated, “All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it” (Luke 4:6).
How did Satan gain the power and the glory of these kingdoms of the earth? How did he have the ability to give such power and glory to an individual? It is because proud men throughout history have submitted their power and allegiance to Satan in order to gain his help to strengthen their authority and glory. Amidst the truth of this matter, it must be declared it is God Who ultimately brings the rise and fall of men in history; always His permissive will must be present even in the workings of Satan.
Every movement of governmental leaders throughout history must have the permissive will of God, as every move is in the plan of God. Providence and the power of God’s Word and Will have been ever moving moment by moment throughout the thousands of years in history.
The End of Present History
Often in these Straightway articles we have expressed our strong belief in our present existence in history: that we live in the end of the End Time of the Last Days (Matt. 24:9–14). And thus, we must look for passages from God’s Word dealing with End-time words and warnings.
One of the important prophecies for the End Time of the Last Days has been Daniel 2 in the revelation of the great image of a man. This image was prompted through a dream by the most illustrious leader in Gentile human history. It was a dream given by God to a world leader who was deeply concerned with the future days, especially following his own reign. This man we know as Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, the beginning ruler of the “times of the Gentiles.”
This dream was given to this world ruler of Babylon. The prophet Daniel gave not only the detailed content of the dream to Nebuchadnezzar but also the interpretation of his dream. Another insight the prophet gave as part of his interpretation of this image was a time concept of its unfolding. It is very clear that at least from the “head” to the “legs” of this image of a man, other world powers would follow in almost rapid succession.
Let us note the unfolding of this dream. The head of the image is clearly identified as Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon: “Thou art this head of gold” (Dan. 2:38b). Then we read, “And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee” (Dan. 2:39a), referring to the Medes and Persians, or the breasts and arms of silver of the image. This empire overthrew Babylon literally in one night. Then we read of another empire that would come after the Medes and Persians: the Greco-Macedonian Empire under Alexander the Great, which became the belly and thighs of brass (Dan. 2:39b). Next, it would be the Roman Empire, the legs of iron (Dan. 2:40), that would overthrow the split parts of the Greek and Macedonian empire.
This leaves a final part of the image: its feet and ten toes. We have yet to know the finality of the feet and the ten toes. Perhaps we could say that we at this present time are in the ankles period of the image, a transition from the legs into the feet. The dream of Nebuchadnezzar revealed that the feet and ten toes would be composed of iron and clay, or brittle, hard clay. This iron will vainly try to mix with the incompatible clay.
Possibly an additional word needs to be said concerning the two legs of iron of the Roman Empire. Is this division the eastern and western parts of political Rome? Or are the two divisions referring to a political Rome and a religious Rome, the latter seen in the power of Roman Catholicism? We know that Rome was destroyed by the Goths in ad 476; but what were these two legs? We read that part of the legs of iron will endeavor to make it down into the feet. What will this be? Again, will it be the iron of Rome politically, or Rome religiously—that of Roman Catholicism? Both are iron, trying to control humanity in absolute authority.
The Birth of America
This unfolding now brings us to the feet and ten toes of the image. Two thousand years have passed as we have waited for the final part of this prophetic image. Surprisingly, at the end of the legs, or ankles, or just before the feet is the birth of a country late in history—the United States of America. Though it was historically birthed near the end of the image, it has become one of the greatest nations in human history. The nation America was birthed, not in the time of the Reformation but in the contemporary time of the Revivalist movement. It became the greatest product of both the Reformation legacy and the deeper-life legacy of Methodism. It has become in its zenith the most powerful, the most gifted, the most influential worldwide country of any End-time nation. It has had the greatest influence for Christianity around the world as well as the greatest promotion of missions in history.
Although America has become the nation of the End Time, it does not seem to be mentioned in biblical prophecy. There are some who believe that Revelation 18 is dedicated to America’s downfall and, there are a number of similarities to be acknowledged. However, we believe Revelation 18 refers to the final global city of Babylon, the finality of the cities of prophecy at the open coming of the Lord with His saints to earth, declared in Revelation 19. Though there does not seem to be any direct prophecy concerning the United States in the Bible, yet perhaps indirectly our nation may be found within the Scriptures in several areas.
The first indirect reference is in Genesis 12:3 concerning the words of the Lord to Abraham: “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” America has been a country that has blessed and supported the Jews. We believe that this is one of the reasons God has blessed our nation. Yet in more recent years many of our nation’s leaders and citizens have cursed the Jews and their leaders. Because of this increasing hatred, God will curse us as a nation. The return of Donald Trump as president may delay this judgment of God, because he is a close friend to Israel.
The second indirect reference is in Matthew 28:18–20. Here we read of the Great Commission to the apostles that certainly has become an example to God’s people throughout history, and especially to biblical Christianity in America. As God sent His apostles into the world, we as a nation have sent more missionaries into the world than any other nation on earth.
A third indirect reference is Proverbs 14:34: “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” America has been a nation that in the past promoted and uplifted righteousness in principle and living. God has exalted us for this. Though it is evident that Israel is warned by this verse, yet did God have our country in mind when these words were divinely inspired?
A fourth indirect reference is Psalm 33:12: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Because America early identified itself with the true Lord God and His Son, we have known His blessings.
A fifth indirect reference is Psalm 9:17: “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Our nation, in its later history, is found in this prophecy. It is clear that God is turning us as a nation into hell: hellish living in all the forms of sin. We fear a hellish end also will come to our country. Will there be a delay in this final destruction under the administration of Donald Trump in a brief return to a “natural” righteousness of law and order and some form of truth and principle to our government (as far as he can do so)?
A sixth indirect reference is in Revelation 13:7: “And it was given unto him [Antichrist] to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” God has permitted the Antichrist spirit to prevail over our national leaders in the immediate past, and we as a nation have been taken by the power of the Dragon. Oh, how the righteous and the godly have been greatly persecuted under the mandates and authorities that hate true Christianity!
A seventh indirect reference includes the fact that many of our forefathers came from European nations that are included in biblical prophecy.
And perhaps an eighth indirect reference is simply the fact that there are true saints in America and that there are prophecies and promises given to saints in the Bible.
Where are we as a nation in history and more specifically as God’s remnant observing this time in history? How will this presidential election play a part in the coming days, and what are we to expect in the future? America is part of the Gentile nations that have been given by providence to the global ruling of history since the days of the Babylonian Captivity. The United States of America has become the greatest melting pot in history of ethnicity and assimilation of nations. In the past four years, with the open-border policy of Washington, this observation has immensely accelerated. Once this nation is destroyed, evil nations will rise to pave the way for the Antichrist and his nation.
The republic principle of government has long been discarded in our country. The republic was the highest form of government conceived by man for man. We are now told by both Democrats and Republicans that our country is a democracy; however, this word is not mentioned in the United States Constitution. Unlike the stability of a republic, a democracy is most susceptible to the whims and passions of the immediate. We are in the days of growing individualism, which is Existentialism and its new cloak of Postmodernism. With such a philosophy man lives by the passions of the moment; his existence at any given moment is based upon what he feels and what he is presently thinking. Truth and absolutes are not only intentionally discarded but also intensely hated by the woke powers that rule the insanity of a non-real world of thought.
The Founding Fathers wanted to protect us from such instability in government. They wanted the laws to be made by elected representatives to prevent laws being made in the heat and passion of the moment. Sadly, this is the way laws are being written and passed today. The pressures of riots, revolution, and the burning of cities have forced our country’s leaders and citizens to yield to oppression, even to the diminishing of the police force in many cities. Three years ago, over 1,000 cities in America were burned, but the news of these atrocities was suppressed by the media. These liberal, atheistic segments of society became manipulating authorities forcing their desired changes through intimidation and fear.
In 1984, a radical change was implemented in how American law was to be interpreted. The Supreme Court declared that “public policy” was to be the presupposition for the interpretation of the Constitution and American law. They passed this interpretive law just a few days before they passed the ruling against Bob Jones University, depriving it of its non-profit status.
We are witnessing in America a war of extreme hatred that has catapulted our country into a global inferno between two powers. The battle is not true Christianity against atheism, for both public Christianity and old atheism have died. A new Christianity and a new perspective of atheism have taken over our nation. The battle now in our country is more between natural right and overt wrong, between common-sense truth and irrational error. The most simple and basic perspective of what is right and true versus wrong and error is now the battleground. It is basically the battle fought on the final frontier between what is a truth and what is a lie.
King Cyrus of Persia was neither a Christian nor a monotheist; however, he did seem to be a man of some character and a discerner of right and wrong. And thus he finally made a decree that brought the Jews back to Jerusalem and the freedom of worship in the newly constructed temple.
We are at the final battle between what is logically right and wrong, and between some semblance of truth versus error and evil. The battle now is not even true religion versus false religion. The most basic principles of human living are at the forefront of the philosophical battle of our time. As true Bible Christians, do we pray for a reprieve from this irrational, ludicrous thinking that has so permeated human living? Do we long for a reprieve from imminent judgment of God on our nation? Or do we pray for God to hurry on and speed our country into the final judgment of the Great Tribulation? Such an answered prayer would certainly bring us sooner to the coming of Christ for the final battle against error and the powers of Antichrist and thus bring us into the hope of His millennial reign.
It was evident that with one presidential candidate our nation would have been thrown into the final abyss of total destruction, being swept quickly into an oppressive, demonic captivity before the rapture. Yet the presidential candidate who won hopes to bring us as a nation to a certain degree of sanity and liberty for human living. What laws will he have to implement in order to bring about what he believes is needed? Barack Obama left enough land mines scattered throughout the massive web of government, to enable the further installation of the Deep State, and it has become further entrenched with greater complexity and intensity of evil since 2020.
We see in prophecy no hope of recovery in our country. Our only hope for the remnant is the secret coming of the Lord before a final global takeover. Until then we must do what we can do for the best of the worst and strengthen what precious things remain. Even the wicked Nero permitted the preaching of the Gospel up until ad 64, when an imperial law was established in an attempt to destroy Christians and Christianity. Amidst the next imperial persecutions unfolding all the way to Diocletian and the final legalization of Christianity in 313, reprieves for Christians were fewer and farther between. Similar reprieves in our times will become rarer as we near the coming of Antichrist.
We must ever remember the words of Daniel 2:20–22:
Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his: And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding: He revealeth the deep and secret things: he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.
The prophet concluded his words to King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 2:45, with the following resolve:
Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure (emphasis added).
As of this writing, Donald J. Trump has won both the electoral and popular vote in our country. Yet is our country so far gone into its intentional complex abyss of evil and wickedness that no human power of the flesh can extract us from the mire? Our wickedness is far greater than any other nation on earth. For we have mixed our wickedness with the apostasy of Christianity in all of the absurd intricacies of error. Whatever the outcome of this new administration, whether true or false (or the dark mixture of both), God’s Word and plan of history stand forever. We must be ready in heart and home for the final outcome.
Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his (Dan. 2:20).